Show Notes:
What can you do with $6?
Apparently, A LOT!
At the JW Agency, we can talk about client success stories all day long, but this one might be one of our favorites. So listen up and listen good!
This week, we take a closer look at our client who had a legendary 10x ROAS on their $6 cost per lead or $4,800++ ad spend. How? Let’s find out.
First, there’s the overall strategy. Then there’s the creatives and copy. And of course, don’t forget about the messaging!
But the most important piece yet – and I’ve always been and continue to be a proponent of this: testing, testing, testing.
To 10x your ROAS, you want to streamline your campaign and see what worked vs. what didn’t. Check the overall stats and be super flexible to pivot your creatives, copy and messaging.
You don’t need to spend more to make more. By implementing these key strategies you can launch successfully and get more bang for your buck.
Key Takeaways:
# – The Overall Strategy
☑️ Keep on testing your offer, it might not convert at the rate you expect [4:28]
☑️ Add a live component to prerecorded evergreen webinars for Q&As [5:03]
☑️ Run reminder and replay ads before and after the webinar; they’re an inexpensive way to get in front of more people [7:09]
☑️ Set up your sales cycle: open and close cart, extended payment plan [10:35]
#2 – The Creatives, Copy and Messaging
☑️ Don’t try to get overly complicated with the copy. It needs to be on point and clear [12:55]
☑️ Your messaging should answer the basic questions and address the objections of your ideal avatar [13:03]
☑️ Select an image that best captures the message and removes any possible objections [13:25]
☑️ Train your audience to know that you’re not always promoting but also providing helpful and valuable content [15:04]
#3 – Analyzing the Numbers
☑️ When you’re running your ads to different countries to get leads into your webinar, analyze your sales at the end of the day to see where are the majority of your sales coming from [16:57]
☑️ Determine what percentage of your sales are from a cold audience vs. a warm audience to see how well the webinar did [17:26]
Additional Resources:
- Scale your offers with Facebook™/Instagram™ paid ads: https://live.jessicawalman.com/realresults
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Behind-The-Scenes of a 10X ROAS Launch
Note: We use AI transcription so there may be some inaccuracies.
Jessica Walman: Welcome back to the podcast everybody. Hope you guys have been amazing, and I hope you guys enjoyed the last episode today. And I wanna make this a habit. I want to start breaking down some of our clients. Launches, whether they are a live launch or an evergreen launch, we have clients doing live launches all the time.
Whether that is a free masterclass or a paid masterclass, or a free challenge or a paid challenge. video series, live events. Whatever it might be. We have clients launching and live all the time as well as Evergreen. So I’m going to start doing some case studies behind the scenes of our client’s success, and also what didn’t work in their launches so that you guys get the full scoop.
You guys really start to understand like the ins and outs of these launches and just because you see these pretty numbers, there are things that worked and things that didn’t work, things that the. potentially you could do better in your next launch. And I want you guys to kind of get that breakdown hopefully this will give you some insight and inspiration insights into what you can do and inspiration for your next launch.
And some motivation knowing, you know what, if they can do it, I can do it because I’m gonna tell you this client I’m gonna talk about today. ad spend wasn’t like thousands upon thousands of dollars. It was a little over $4,800. That’s. it $4,888.93 to be exact, and they had, its over 10X over 10X return on ad spend.
I. mean Hello. Put $1 in, get 10 out. Like I’m all in. Right? So this is, a client of ours that one of our senior media buyers on our, ads team manages, and they actually are in the wedding niche. Okay? So wedding niche. They have several different products in the wedding niche and they are actually launching.
Month, two to three times per month, different products, then a year for an individual product. Launching that product three to four times per year. So they do a lot of launches, and I know I think about launching that many times in one month and. I just wanna scream, I wanna kinda wanna cry. It sounds super stressful, but it’s so streamlined at this point.
We know exactly what to do. we know what creatives and messaging are working yet. Of course, we’re always testing new stuff, and so we’ve gotta streamline now to where just works, right? So this launch was just in January, 2023. It ended, actually it ended in February. So, I think we started some ads at the end of January and it ended in February. And again, over 10 x return on ad spend. So I’m gonna kind of break down a little bit about this launch. obviously what they do and what they sell, their current overall strategy, what worked, what didn’t work, in regards to creatives and copy and messaging, and then their overall stats.
Okay? So if you, find this helpful. , please feel free to always, dam me on Instagram and let me know what you found helpful about this. And if you really like this kind of episode, I will do more. Cuz we are always having, client successes and I would love to share the behind-the-scenes on what worked and what didn’t work.
Okay. So with this client, again, like I said, they are in the wedding niche and for this particular product now, they again are launching several times. So I could do, I feel like an episode on every launch cuz they’re always successful. But this particular product, they’re actually teaching people how to build a wedding venue business, A wedding venue business. so, teaching me, let’s say how to, have a place that I can rent out for a wedding, right? So this is what they’re teaching and they’re teaching this to people who, are either already in the wedding industry or are looking to get into the wedding industry or are looking for a retirement plan, whatever that might be.
Okay. So that is what they sell. This product sells at $2,500 and surprisingly, It actually sells without a phone call. I am this huge advocate of, if it’s about that $2,000 price point, you’re gonna need a phone call. But rules are meant to be broken. because this client is able to sell a $2,500 without a phone call at all.
And actually they just put in my mind that we have another client who just finished a launch and I’m actually gonna do another episode. We just finished it out and I’m not even gonna tell you, but Well, I will. It was a $5,000 offer without a phone call, but we’re gonna go into that into another episode because it gets me so excited.
So anyways, this client, $2,500, no phone call you guys. Now do I recommend that? do I stay out the gate? You shouldn’t have a phone call. No. I’m definitely this big average of phone calls. But if your offer is that good, right? And it’s been proven and you wanna test it without a phone call and it works fantastic.
Just know that when you test it, it may. way you want it. It may have some kinks, it may not convert at the conversion rate. You want it, but it’s about testing. and hey, if you can sell it without a phone call, hallelujah. Amen. That’s great. Right. So in this specific launch, the strategy was a live webinar strategy.
So the way they do these, which is so fascinating to me, you guys, because I know when you think live webinar. Feel a little overwhelmed. I know not live. Webinars aren’t everybody’s cup of juice, right? Everyone, gets a little scared. Not everyone, a lot of people get scared when it comes to live webinars, live things.
I know I’m not a huge advocate of live all the time, Trying to automate as much as possible. But this live webinar strategy is actually really neat what they do is they have an opt-in page. People opt in to four options for live webinar, like four different dates and times, and they’re usually pretty back to back.
I. A couple of ’em are on the same day, and then there might be one the next day. So they’re usually within this three day timeframe, these four webinars, okay? They happen at specific times, they sign up for it. Now, what’s cool about it is they’re not actually live. These are prerecorded webinars, but. . The cool thing is the expert, the person that’s, created this product is actually present during the webinar to answer any questions.
So there is this live component to it, but instead of, doing the webinar live again, is there some issue with the webinar? Was there a hiccup? No, they took like the best pre-recorded. They recorded it, they made sure it was perfect beforehand and they took that and they use it, but to give that live component so they can answer questions live to those who are live.
on the webinar, they do, answer questions live on the webinar. Which I find fascinating. We actually have a couple of clients who do this and it is phenomenal if you can do it right and for you as the business owner, it’s kind of nice not having to do this live webinar over and over again. We have another client right now who does live webinars and she’s wanting to test Evergreen and she was like, yeah, I’ll just do them
back to back until we get the evergreen. And then she just messaged today and was like, you know what? I just did the live again. It’s as perfect as it can be. I’m not doing it again. Because again, we had more hiccups, we had more tech issues, and I’m just doing evergreen. but I’m going to suggest the same thing.
Is there a way to have that live component to it? So with this client, with this launch, they did four live webinars, okay? Very specific dates and times they sign up. . Great. we have the first phase of the launch, which is the webinar signup, and these are going to cold and warm audiences. just list building, getting as many people to opt in in this timeframe.
We usually do a 10, I wanna say 10 day timeframe. I could be wrong, but it’s about a 10 day timeframe, lead up before the webinar. So first phase, obviously everyone gets it right, just direct ads to sign up for this webinar. They choose a time. Cool. Second phase is reminder and replay ads.
So reminder ads are run before the webinar happens, and it’s to remind them to. Join the webinar. And it’s not just the key here with these reminder ads, because these reminder ads and replay ads, you guys are really inexpensive. you can sit there and say, I wanna spend a hundred dollars, but maybe Facebook only spends $10 because they’re just, it’s a small group, right?
A small audience size. And you’re kind of doing this reach campaign to reach everybody in this audience cuz you wanna reach everybody who registered for this webinar to remind them to show up. And these ads aren’t just saying, Hey, remember you signed up for this thing, show up. Because nobody just wants to hear that.
Right. it’s a reminder of their goal. A reminder of their. desire, what they’re, trying to obtain and saying, Hey, remember you want this thing, you wanna be here. Then remember the live training that you signed up for that is going to help you do that is coming up soon. So be sure to X, Y, z.
And in those reminder ads, we will either if it’s a link that everybody gets and it’s the same link, I’d rather just give them the link. Hey, here’s a link bookmark. Make sure you show up if it’s a unique link for everyone to show. , then we just just remind them to go check their email. Maybe we even put the subject line of the email and what’s important is to put the link back down below to register in they can’t find that email.
So you might put this reminder out to them and they’re like, oh, okay. I don’t know where this email’s at and I really wanna show up. Hey, just in case you can’t find it, you can just re-register down below and a new email will be sent to you. So reminder adss are really powerful. Let’s say you spend $10 and it gets in front of 40 people and five more people show up, and one of those result in a sale.
Was that not worth the 10 bucks you spent? Yes. So these are really, really pie. That’s just, you know, that can be way more powerful than that. That’s just a small example of how powerful it can be on a really, really small scale. So that’s run before the webinar, the end before the webinar starts. Then you’ve got the replay ads.
So after the webinars, Are going After the webinars end, you then have replay ads, and this can be anywhere from 48 to 72 hours to remind them to watch this training. Hey, it’s a 72 hour timeframe. It’s going away. You’ve got your last chance to watch this training again, if you’re looking. get this goal, to achieve this desire, and these ads are powerful as well.
We actually get a lot of sales from the replay ads because people could not attend the time, which is just the case, right? People always select times and they can’t make it. That’s why the replay ads are powerful. And I just wanna make a note that the, actual short rate on these webinars are actually really good.
Sometimes people might say, Hey, if people know a replay at a replay is coming, then they just won’t show up. And that could be the case in some cases. And it is. But in this client’s case, it’s not. It is, I think their show up rate is about between 20 to 25%. Somewhere in there. So it’s pretty decent. and so that’s not an issue, right?
the show up rate is amazing and they do a great job when it comes to the show up guys. So obviously being able to email and text, as much as you can, those pieces are really powerful to get show up rates if you can’t get the show up rate. On your lives, on your life trainings up, then really, your overall conversions are going to suffer, So getting your show ups to really happen, the show up brand on your webinar, but then also those who just can’t or forget making sure that you gotta replay in place some way that they can actually access this training. To then make that decision and get pitched to make the decision if they wanna buy.
so these replay ads, again, can be 48, 72 hours after the fact. Then our third phase is just the sales cycle. It’s an open cart, closed cart. So we have an open cart that runs from the day. It opens till about two days before it ends. So usually, I think they’re open carts anywhere from five to six days.
So it could be running for three to four days open cart. you’re looking for this, result XYZ program is now open, right? Open cart ads. Just letting the audience know that the offer is available. Then we have closing soon and closing tonight. Closing soon runs, 48 hours before the cart closes and ends 24 hours before the cart closes.
Okay, so it’s running for a 24 hour period, 48 hours before the cart closes. Then you’ve got closed cart that runs the last 24 hours of the launch. Then what’s cool is after that we then do an extended payment plan. So,
the payment plan actually runs at the end. it’s like this, Hey, just fyi, we’ve got this payment plan in case weren’t able to join in case you weren’t able to, buy in case, whatever the reason may be. The payment plan actually, coming at the very end. is one of the keys to getting quite a few sales at the end.
being able to offer that. If that’s something that you don’t feel you can offer, then, that’s fine, but it extended payment plan is like that last ditch effort to get those who just are nervous about that or just can’t afford it or whatever it might be. but that has to be something that has to be really up to you, right?
Because a payment plan can be, a pain in the, but. . okay, so that’s the overall strategy. Now with what worked in messaging, again, this was a wedding niche and this was going after those. who want to, build out out a venue, be able to rent out a venue for weddings to couples.
And so what we did was we wanted to ensure that it was well known that one, the wedding industry is exploding. Has it been explode? after the last couple of years of Covid hiatus, right? And now is the time to get in. And that makes sense logically to people, right? then the second is appealing to their desire of a profitable business in the wedding industry.
So this is whether that’s for those that are already in that industry, looking to create additional stream of revenue or those looking to supplement their. Due to either 2022 being financially challenging for so many, or those looking to possibly retire. we make it really simple.
It’s, the copy pretty much learn to build a profitable wedding venue, register for free. That is literally what it is. It’s. Super to the point. We don’t try to get overly complicated with the copy. It’s to the point, it’s very clear, and one thing it did really well was it went over basic questions that the ideal avatar would have, which you should think about in your own messaging.
So this avatar might be thinking, where do I start? How do I raise the money to build this out? How do I create a successful venue? Will this be the key to my retirement? So this is really what worked in the messaging was just kind of honing in on those two. And with the image, I loved this about the image.
One of our best converting images was an old beaten barn, like old beaten down barn that had been kind of bedazzled, as you could say, glitter thrown on it with string lights and such, just to make it look chic and rustic. And what’s neat about that is it shows that your venued. Doesn’t have to be super expensive or crazy elegant, which is what people might be thinking, right?
I don’t have anything crazy like that, but I’ve got this old thing here, or I’ve got this extra here thing here, and it’s not crazy beautiful. Right? You don’t have to spend. tons of money on it. It can be an old barn in the backyard. I’m not saying it has to be an old barn, but this just gives people an example of what can be, So this really did, I think, solidify to people who might have had that, I don’t know, If I can afford this, I don’t know if what I have is good enough to do this. I don’t know. Maybe if I’m gonna buy something, what should I buy? And I can’t buy anything super expensive if I wanna start renting it.
And this kind of gives them that, oh wow, this is awesome. just remove that objection. And when you can remove objections just by a simple image. . That’s powerful. All right, so now outside of this launch, there was a tweak that our client, doesn’t do as great of a job on the backend.
that they’re now going to be making a shift to their overall strategy, okay? So that we can support in converting more of their warm audience into buyers. Okay? So what that is, is right now they are only emailing promotional offers to their. That’s it. And meaning they’re sending emails to their audience to either a masterclass or to purchase a product.
And our goal is to convert more of their warm audience into buyers. those who didn’t initially buy during this launch. You they’ll buy maybe during the next launch or the next launch since they are launching so often. So now what our goal is and what they’re going to start doing, They’re going to, one, start emailing their list two times a month minimally with content, pure content outside of their promotional emails.
And this will hopefully train their audience to know that they don’t always just promote, they are giving away. Valuable tips and tricks that they can implement today. Okay. And then what they’re going to do is be able to give us that content and we can then put that into nurture ads. their email reaches only so much, the open rate is only so much.
So how can we get that content into more of their warm audience’s hands is by taking it and just putting it right into an. And running it to their warm audience and getting tons of views on it. And this will hopefully build a stronger relationship with their leads. So that is something that they could be doing better, that they’re going to start doing better, which in essence is gonna help.
So I’ve got this entire guys, but this entire document in front of me. That goes over some of their,stats and stuff. So what’s so cool about this is that their lead cost was only $6. It was 6 0 9. that was the lead cost to bring in the lead for a webinar. So for some of you who are running webinars right now, you know, webinar costs can be really high, but they have started to go down.
But we’ve just dialed in this client so well that the lead cost was just around $6. again, the spend was 4,000 880, $8 and 93 cents. and they had a total of $49,627 in revenue. So it was a 10.15 row. the conversion rate from lead to. Was 2.41%, so just under two and a half percent. And again, for a $2,500 offer with no phone call.
That kind of number is phenomenal. and their cost acquire, customer was 2 87, 2and majority of these leads actually came from the. So you knowing 94% of the sales came from the us. So we take that into account, and this is something you need to monitor, is when you’re running your ads and you’re running your ads to different countries to get leads into your webinar or your challenge or whatever it might be, you then need to analyze your sales at the end of the day to see.
Where are the majority of my sales coming from? And because we know this client got 94% other sales from the us, majority of our spend is going there, if not all of it. I think we put a little bit of spend to other countries, because majority of it’s coming from us. So we’ve tested multiple countries multiple times.
And some of the different, products can convert better different countries, but in this case, 94% to the us. and another really cool fact is that 44% of them came from a cold audience, 44%, and then 55% came from, or 56% came from a warm audience. So what does that mean? That means the webinar that they did is really good if it’s converting44% of a cold audience.
but it also means that 55% of. My goal is to get that up to closer to like 60, 65, 70%, because I want to warm and prime up their audience more in between launches. So these numbers are so good and the little shifts that we’re gonna make in the meantime are just going to increase them. And so we’re so pumped for the next launch because again, we do these launches over and over again.
So guys, it is possible small spend. This isn’t a huge budget. you have to make sure your webinar show-ups are great. You have to make sure you’re doing ads to promote those, hey reminders to show up. Hey. Watch the replay, and making sure you just know who you’re targeting and really testing your creatives, testing your creatives to see what works and what doesn’t work for your audience, for your product.
This is an art. This is not something you’re going to know right off the bat. This is something you are going to have to test, okay? So if you’re like, I’m gonna do my first launch and it’s gonna be amazing out the gate and all my targeting’s gonna be on point, et cetera, et cetera, my messaging’s gonna be on point, et cetera, et cetera.
It might be, but it also may not be. But when you’re testing different messagings and creatives, you’re then gonna learn what is and isn’t working. So, if you guys like this episode and you want more breakdowns of launches, and if you guys want me to, break down anything else specific in these launches, let me know.
DM me. I love these kinds of episodes. I think these are gonna be so much fun, just because there’s. so many launches happening, and we just have so much we can share with you guys, and I wanna make sure you guys are as as possible. And so whatever I can do to provide insights to you from my team and my business in my agency, I wanna do this.
So never, never, ever hesitate to reach out to me on Instagram and let me know what you wanna learn, and I’ll make sure to share that in these episodes. All right guys. I’ll see you the next one. Bye.