Show Notes:
“If you aren’t growing your business, you’re dying.” 💀💀💀
I’m sure you’ve heard, if not this same exact quote, a dialogue more or less similar to this.
So you think you SHOULD scale your business. Aim for higher revenue. Hit that next big target. Grow your business. 🎯
A little pressuring, isn’t it? It’s like an unending chase. And not everyone’s cut out for it. It’s not always what every person personally needs or wants.
Here’s what you need to know: no matter what your number is—a six-figure every month, $10 million a year, or maybe just a consistent number of manageable clients—you really have to figure out what your goal is.
No matter what others say about growing your business, only YOU can decide for yourself what your goal is.
Whether you want to stay where you are in your business right now or you want to scale, YOU make the call. 🤙🏻
🎧 Listen to the new episode of Marketing on Tap and I’ll tell you my thoughts about the pressuring idea of growing your business for fear it’ll die. 💀
Key Takeaways:
📌 “If you aren’t growing your business, you’re dying.” — is it true or not?
📌 Before you listen to this notion normal in business, know first where you currently stand and what your goal is — your goal is the most important vision.
📌 Everybody can tell you how and why you should grow your business, but only you can decide how and when to do that — if it’s part of your goal.
📌 What’s important rather than always chasing the next big goal or number is growing your list, your following, or your target audience — because no audience, no business.
📌 You don’t need to feel pressured — growing your business doesn’t equate to being successful.
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Do You Have To Grow Your Business To Be Successful?
Note: We use AI transcription so there may be some inaccuracies.
Jessica Walman: Hey guys. Hey guys. Jessica Wallman here. Welcome back to the Marketing On Tap podcast and I hope you guys are having an amazing start to your summer. It is super hot here, but, at least my evenings. I’m in Arizona, so we’re desert, but at least my evenings so far are still cool. Which means the mornings I can go out early before I go to the gym and walk a little bit and not be sweating my tushy off.
cuz soon here it’ll be hot nonstop for like four months. not one cool breeze of air will come in. And so I’m just trying to be very grateful for what I have right now. Knowing is gonna get hot and then of course go swimming as much as possible because that’s what you do here in Arizona. you’re not inside and air conditioning, you’re swimming and that’s the only time you’re outside.
Is woman. so hopefully you guys are having a great start to your summer. but I wanna talk to you guys today is about this notion that I know was pounded in my head with a couple of masterminds and people that I just kind of spoke with, and was the notion of like, “If you aren’t growing your business, you’re dying.”
So it’s always a question of to grow your business or not to grow it, right? So, that’s sane, People say like, should you be growing it or are you okay with where you’re at currently? Do you have to continuously need to and want to grow? I feel what is being pushed upon a lot of business owners is need that you have to grow, you have to be aiming for higher revenue, higher profitability,
but in essence, that’s not always what every person personally needs or wants. But there is a truth to the phrase, if you aren’t growing, you’re dying. And so what I mean by there’s a truth is that, every day, if you’re not growing your list or growing your following people are leaving, right?
People are unsubscribing. People are not following you anymore. And so technically your business is kind of going the reverse. Down, right? It’s declining. If you’re losing your audience, you can’t sell your offer without an audience. No one said you need a massive audience, but you can’t sell your offer without an audience.
And so if your audience isn’t staying at least consistent, right, which means you have to grow your audience because people will be leaving. So if you aren’t growing, you kind of are dying because people will just continue to leave and leave and leave and leave. So that is why. growing your list in some way, shape or form, whether that’s through paid traffic or organic, whether that’s just through a freebie, whether that’s through a self-liquidating offer, whether that’s through your webinar, whatever that might be, growing your list daily is important.
it’s only a handful of people today or not, it is critical. Okay. But what I have to say to those who say that you need to grow your business revenue consistently, right? Reach those new revenue goals year after year. here are my personal thoughts, That I’ll give you through my experience.
So Again, had mentors and consultants and, a lot of people that I had worked with to help build my business. And I had this goal of growing it, growing the agency, growing some coaching on the side, but really growing the agency. It’s what I love. it’s my thing. It’s what I’ve been doing.
And so I have this goal of I need to grow it. I need to grow, I need to hit this number. I had this arbitrary number. I did a whole podcast episode on this arbitrary number that I had in my head. Because honestly, ridiculous in my opinion. but that’s for another episode. Growing the agency to a certain revenue number, again, arbitrary growing it, and that means you need to have so many clients every month.
You need to be growing every month in clientele by a certain amount. You to only lose so many clients because you’re gonna always lose clients. And that also means when you’re growing clients, you need to bring on new team members. I would need to bring on new media buyers in order to.
Support these clients, potentially then bring on new creative team members to support the creative requests that are needed for these clients, et cetera. And so at one point I was close to maybe 2020 or so, maybe 22, team members on my team. For me, that was a lot, the amount of clients we had, with the amount of work that was needed to support the clients, Which is just gonna happen When you’re supporting more clients and you have more team members, there’s more potential issues that will arise. whether it’s managerial, issues, delegation issues, results, issues with our clients, um, whatever it might be, they would happen.
And so I just found myself being stretched thin working 50, 60 hour weeks and not. having that work-life balance, that I really wanted, like I loved my business. I was just constantly in a hustle mode. Working more hours and the work-life balance was kind of moving more towards the work, right?
It was more of a work balance. It was more work which. It for me is okay personally to, be off balance a bit with your work life balance and if it’s in short sprints, right? Like if I’m launching something, but it had been over six months when I was kind of in this rut and I had seen no end in sight, in meaning I didn’t see my workload decreasing or my stress levels lowering.
there’s a whole podcast episode on, how I was able to reduce my workload and my work week. And honestly, it just came to really getting clear about what my goals were, what numbers I actually need to hit those goals and what kinda life I want to live.
And so that allowed me, there’s kind of five things I did. I’ll just kind of reiterate them from my other podcast episode. I created really clear revenue goals. Again, not arbitrary numbers that people think I should have. I reduced my work meetings. I reduced my work week.
We work four days a week, Fridays. my team will, make sure they’ve got stuff done. They’ll put out reports, but pretty much that’s it. Like we make sure there’s no meetings and we really try to make that day a really quick. Day. we have a very solid system in place, operational system, task management system in place with all sorts of workflows that we took time to create, to really streamline everything.
And then delegation just to make sure to delegate things that are not in my zone of genius or things that take my time that I don’t need to spending my time on. So in essence, for me, I thought, which you’re probably, you might be being told this by all the gurus out there, just from seeing people post on social media about their amazing six figure months, whatever it is, $10 million years or whatever it is, and you might be thinking that’s what you need, but, when we talk about do you need to grow your business or are you okay with where you’re at?
You really have to figure out like, what is your goal? for me right now, I’ve got kids at home. My kids are 12 and 14. I don’t have this desire to work all day, work all night, like I have other priorities. That take precedence. Like right now it’s 7:56 PM where I’m at. My husband just left to go pick up my son from track.
My daughter is outside my office watching tv. I need to finish this up. So I go hang out with her. She was at gymnastics all day for like five hours. and so it’s, I’m trying to find time to record this, whereas I know when they’re out of the house six years from now or so, not that I’m counting cause I’m not, when they’re out of the house.
It’s gonna be quiet. I’m gonna have a lot more time on my hands, and I then might want to work more and have more time to do that. But you have to look at whatWhere your life goals are right now in your current season and what you need to do maintain whatever status quo you want.
Right. So for me it’s, I need to streamline things. I need to, not hit some crazy number. I have my number in mind. I don’t wanna manage, you know, I, I don’t want my team cause I don’t really manage too much. I do, but I have a team that manages it, but I don’t really wanna manage. a gazillion people.
So having less people, like everyone on my team now that’s with me has been here minimally two years. Two years up to like six years. my team is my family. We had a lot of new people. We were growing and I’m sure you guys know, bringing on new people, there’s so much stress and out?
A lot of time gets put into training them and then do they even work out and, just a lot goes on with that. I’ve really, really enjoyed. And I know it won’t last forever. Having not had to hire anyone, in the last year or so, and really just having the same people with me for a long time.
So, when you’re trying to think about, do I need to grow or am I okay with where I’m at? Do I need to feel bad? Do I need to feel guilty? Do I need to feel like my business is dying? Like I said, as long as you are trying to build your list and you are getting visible, following is growing somewhat.
then you are staying where you are. Right? you don’t have to grow to this massive thing, but if you aren’t doing any of that, your visibility is becoming less and less, right? You’re not becoming. As prevalent to the people that you are prevalent to anymore and they’re not seeing you as that go-to experts.
So when you start emailing and you start posting or you wanna get new clients, they’re not around anymore. So you do have to be visible. You do have to get in front of your audience. You do have to build your list, you do have to make sales, right. But that could be a difference of, well, I spend two K or three K a month in ad spend to, make the living that I wanna make, versus, oh man, I had to spend, 40 K in ad spend this month because I’m trying to scale to this new level that I’m told I need to, oh man, I need to hire three more sales people for all the sales calls I’m getting, et cetera.
Right. and that’s fine. That’s to, like I said, I think I’ll be there. my priorities will change when my kids are gone, but that’s not where I’m at. And that may not be where you’re at, or maybe it is where you’re at. You have to make that decision for yourself. Nobody else can. Nobody else can, no matter what they say.
Okay. So I just want you to know that you’re okay if you wanna stay where you’re at business-wise, or if you’re like, well, I wanna grow, but I wanna grow a little bit to here. And that’s it. that’s okay. And if you want to grow to multi seven figures a year and you’re nowhere near that now, that’s totally fine as well.
Put the work in and get there. Right? Totally fine. But you just have to make that decision for yourself. Nobody else can. And I, wanna say this because. like pulls on my heartstring some because just got such, I wouldn’t say bad advice. I would just say people trying to support me and trying to help me, but at the end of the day, I didn’t listen to myself.
Right. I didn’t listen to. What I knew to be true, what I knew was my heart’s desire, I’m a very logical person, so when someone talks to me who I, admire and I, think highly of, then my logical side’s like, yeah, you know what, they’re right. I should be doing that. So wanna give you permission to like, say to that yourself about that person.
No, that’s not what needs to happen. this isn’t what I want, this is not what I want. so hopefully this was helpful. Hopefully this just kind of gave you some peace, gave you some direction on where you want to go, you may shift now your entire, marketing strategy for the rest of the year and your revenue goals based on this.
And if you do, kudos to you because you really listened, you really took it to heart and you really thought about what you wanted and what works for you in your life. And that takes a lot of strength and, Yeah, that’s awesome. So hopefully this is helpful and I will see you guys as always in the next episode.