Show Notes:
Planning your next big launch? 💭
Great timing! You’re in the right place.
I know launches could be scary and overwhelming. What if you fail? What if it doesn’t convert? What if it doesn’t reach your expectations?
But fret not—I’m gonna trade with you some valuable lessons I’ve gotten from my experience working with our clients in the agency 😉
In this episode of Marketing on Tap, I’m gonna deep dive into the nitty gritty of launches—what worked and didn’t work, what mistakes you could avoid, and some ideas you could use for your own launch.
🎧 Tune in as I break down the essentials for a successful launch!
Key Takeaways:
💡 The intricacies of doing a live masterclass and how to make it convert well
✅ Set your expectations — know the attendee drop rates and from there, understand when’s the best time to make a pitch
✅ Remember that the goal is to give value and then pitch — people will consistently show up in your masterclass when they get something essential from you
✅ Refine the process — rather than changing your strategy entirely, look at some areas that you can enhance, like increasing your ad spend or asking your target attendees to join a Facebook group
✅ Use FOMO as a tactic — tell your target audience that it’s their last chance to get what you offer at a lower cost; the fear of missing out (and they’re really gonna miss out on something big) will make them want to join your masterclass
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Six-Figure Live Launch Breakdown
Note: We use AI transcription so there may be some inaccuracies.
Jessica Walman: What is up everybody? Welcome back to the Marketing On Tap podcast with your host and myself, Jessica Wallman. I am so pumped to be here, you guys, and I wanted to go over today. I wanted to do another episode on a client launch, client success. I feel like diving, into the details, the nitty gritty, pulling back the curtains and talking about what actually worked and what didn’t work and things, you know, that might give you ideas on what you can do for your next launch.
And, oh, I don’t wanna make that mistake and I’m hoping that the information I give is going to allow you to maybe bypass some of those hurdles, right? So that you don’t make some of the mistakes. We are always going to make mistakes because that is a life of an entrepreneur. That is a life of launching, and the goal is to continue to learn and to continue to.
Build up on and do better. But if I can help you, bypass some of those hurdles now that would be amazing. And that is always my goal to help you guys, just get better results with your marketing and your paid ads. So I wanna dive into a client of ours that had a launch, in 2023, January, February.
And this client is I guess it’s not really business opportunity at all actually, but it’s business owners, so it’s going b2b and they are, going after maybe, it could be dentist, it could be a coach, it could be, anybody who really wants to speak on stage.
somebody who wants to create an impact and. learn how to speak on stage and create, maybe become, take stages such as internationally acclaimed speakers like Brene Brown and Simon Sinek and people like that. Right. Basically become an influential speaker, and learn to deliver a talk.
And so, we started working with them, maybe just a few months prior to that, or maybe four months prior to that, and we’re doing an evergreen webinar, still doing that. but this is their kind of. Biannual, live launch, and this was our first time doing that launch with them.
Okay? And so they’ve done this launch several times in the past and, always had decent success. I will say just upfront that this has been by far their best launch yet with us. and, we’re excited for the next time we launch this, which I’ll talk about in a minute. the strategy that they used for this is something that’s been working really well for a lot of our clients.
So, if this is not something you’ve done before and you’ve made me contemplated it, I highly recommend taking a peek at this. It does take some time and effort and work to really make this convert well. Okay? And that is paid master. So we’ve had several clients with paid masterclass and they work really well.
Again, when they’re done well, there’s a lot of intricate pieces to a paid masterclass. So what you’re doing is essentially you have a sales page and you’re inviting people to a, usually a two to three day masterclass. In this case, it’s a two day masterclass, a two day live. Masterclass, they’re always live, at least the ones that I’ve worked on.
And so you’re inviting them to a two or three day paid masterclass. Now Now the masterclass, because it’s paid, is different than a webinar or a vsl. So a webinar VSL is only going to give the audience so much information. It’s really not to, educate as much as it is to create these aha moments in, oh my, You’re right, I need that, but I don’t know how to do that.
Please help me do that. Whereas these Live Masterclass are really built to really provide a ton of value. People should be walking away, being able to implement. That is why they paid to go, they came to implement and, get results. of course for the, person putting on the live masterclass, their end goal is to yes, provide value, that’s A, and then B is.
Sell and pitch. a booked call is to get somebody on a phone call. That’s it on that phone call is when they’re going to pitch their main offer, et cetera. And of course, you’re booking them on that call, talking about this offer. and so the goal is to really sell all of these buyers into this paid masterclass, into your higher ticket offering.
Usually, again, they’re higher ticket, 10, 15, 20, 20 $5,000, give or take. their offer is about $5,000. And so, their goal is to fill up this paid masterclass and get them to buy into this offer. Now, there comes a process with that, okay, so when you are filling up a paid masterclass, you need to fill it up because you’re gonna have so many people purchase this masterclass ticket, and then you’ll only have a certain percentage of them actually show up to the live event.
And then on day one, you’ll have a certain percentage, and then usually on day two, that percentage drops. and of course if you have three day event, it drops even further. And so if you’re doing a three day event, usually day one, you’re you’re always seating your offer throughout a live event.
We’re not gonna go into how to run a live event. You’re always seating your offer in a live. three day offer. Usually you can kind of, not you’re not actually gonna pitch it on day one, but you will start pitching it like halfway through day two. And then you’ll pitch it, you halfway through or middle action, middle of day three.
And then towards the end of day three, actually a lot of it except for the beginning, if it’s a two day event, you really wanna kind of give a lot of value day one, and then you can pitch at the end and then give a lot of value kind of at the beginning of day two, and then of course pitch as well.
So again, the goal is to give value and, and then pitch. but you have to get people to show up and you have to get people to show up consistently, and that means you have to provide really good value in order for them to continue to show up, right? Our client was able to bring in just through Facebook ads.
this is not including, I’m only gonna give, data off of Facebook ads. Okay. They had some organic as well, so just off of Facebook ads, they brought in about 243. masterclass buyers. Okay, so 243 people paid to attend this masterclass. Out of that 243, it was about a 42% show up rate.
here’s a great place for improvement, is that 42% show up rate? So I’m actually gonna talk about the process and give you guys areas of improvement that we’ve already spoken about with the client and that they’re going to do. Because here’s the thing, and this is something I wanna, I guess I’ll say now, is that when you have something that works, The goal is to not all of a sudden have the shiny object syndrome or start saying, well this works, so let’s do this now, let’s do like, change it all up.
I’m all about rinsing and repeating and then refining, So I know the client kind of came to us and was like, Hey Jess, we’re thinking about raising the price here and doing this here and doing this here. And I was like, hold on, we just got this. Convert the best it’s ever converted.
Before you do that, why don’t. One, increase your ad spend, right? and then two, double your ad spend. And that’s actually what we’re gonna do is double the ad spend. And then two, just refine pieces, not really shift or change it, refine it, and make it better. How can we improve upon the little areas? So in their case, and just so you know, I actually didn’t say this, but they had a 4.63 return on ad spend, 4.63, which was pretty phenomenal for their live launch.
And I’ll go over some stats here, but they had a 42% show up rate, on day one. I think it dropped on day two. And so now our goal is how do we increase that? How do we increase the show up rate? So now what they’re going to implement, which they did not have before, is a Facebook group. So once these, people purchase the masterclass, they’re going to join a Facebook group.
the client and their team are going to nurture these people in the Facebook group, and then that’s going to help increase show up on the live event. Super exciting for that, right? so they’re gonna do that. And so there’s ways know, you can have them join and then just email them and say, Hey, join the group.
second option is they can join. purchase the ticket. And then on the thank you page, the confirmation page, you can have, know, Hey guys, join the group and have a link, c which is my option. My preferred option is to have them purchase, go to a confirmation page. But the confirmation page has a five second redirect.
It’s like, Hey, you join the group. All the details are being sent to your inbox. You’re being redirected. The Facebook group. Where all the action is taking place. It’s a five second redirect. That way your pixel will fire on that page, as a purchase. And then five seconds. There should be also a countdown on there so that the user knows what’s happening, they get redirected to the Facebook group.
This way you can control everybody is at least going to get redirected that page and get, the chance to join the. That is powerful. And then of course you can do emails, et cetera. So that’s one way. So if we can get that 42% up to 70% or higher, holy moly, the conversion rates will be even higher on the backend.
So, so great. So that’s what they do. And then, when they had their masterclass, so they had so many people show up live when they pitch their. they had about a 10.3% conversion rate, so 10.3% conversion rate from those who purchased the masterclass. That, and actually this isn’t even, of those who showed up, this is just a total, so out of the buyers, they had 10.3% conversion rate to.
Their offer. Fantastic. Before they had about a 9%. We got that above 10%. So as much as we want to make that better in which we can, ultimately that’s a win. And I don’t want to touch that too much, right? Because it’s already doing so well. Can we get that higher? Sure. But there are other areas that need more improvement, I feel, than that.
So 10.3% conversion rate. How can you get that higher, having, content of the masterclass, right? Having more people show up. That’s what’s actually gonna change that. Could you change the actual sales page thumb? Sure. but really ultimately it’s the masterclass content that they’re getting and it’s how many people are showing up, and that is going to change your conversion rate from masterclass buyer to your paid offer.
That’s what’s going to increase that. So there are some things they’re gonna do, implement more texting. I think they only had like one or two texts go out. So they’re going to increase that flow of texting. again, that’s an enhancement, right? Not like we’re changing a bunch of things, just enhancing what they’re already doing.
there’s no changing of the masterclass price. There’s no changing of the main offer price, there’s no, repositioning of things. It’s really just refining. So the client. About a $29,000 plus ad spend. Okay? And they made about 136,000 plus in revenue. so again, a 4.63 return on ad spend.
Now, here’s a kicker, is when you are running a paid masterclass. It is going to cost you more out-of-pocket upfront. And this is something I wanna be very clear on because it sounds exciting to do this right? Great. I’m gonna do, instead of doing a free webinar, right, I’m gonna get paid to do my training.
How exciting is that? And it is exciting, but it will cost you more. So if you are doing a free webinar, depending on your niche industry, you could be paying $5 up to $30 for a lead. Okay? Whereas a paid master, again, depending on the niche and industry, you’re paying $80 to $150 for someone to purchase the masterclass.
And it depends on the price point of the offer. So in this case, the price point of the offer is $47. And so for $47, our average cost requisition was 121. So our goal as an agency is to get that reduced. How can we reduce our cost per acquisition so that when we double our ad spend, we’re not only doubling the number of sales, for the masterclass, we’re going to get more sales because we were able to lower that masterclass cost.
How can we do that when we realize that? We had a video from the client. It worked really well. It worked better than static images, and so this round when they launch again in the fall, we are already now, right now working on scripts for videos and getting videos done ASAP and edited so we can have a plethora of them to test and the client is willing and will be ready and able.
record more. If we say, Hey, out of the seven or eight videos we tested, these two or three topic points really are hitting it off. And before they fatigue, we’d love to get a couple more on similar topic points like that, and that way the ads won’t fatigue, the CPA can hopefully decrease and we can just bring up their sales for the masterclass.
So again, just to kind of recap what the strategy is, really it’s paid masterclass to. A live event. And guys, the majority of this, for ads was to cold audience. We had some warm for sure. a good chunk of that was cold because we really relied on their organic side to do the warm. So it’s really trying to get as many eyeballs onto this paid masterclass.
Get people in. Get them to show up and engage in this two day live event and then book a call with their team to learn more about the offer, which of course they pitch the offer, on the actual live masterclass. But again, it’s still getting them on a phone call and then selling to them. and so, some of the learnings, like I said, is increasing that show upgrade on the masterclass.
That’s a huge one. and then that along with lowering the cost per acquisition so we can get more sales for the same, cost, will ultimately help increase. Our conversion rate on the program. like this next launch we’re gonna do in the fall, we’re gonna double the ad spend.
And I just know if we did a 4.63, I’m aiming for a six x row as that is my personal goal. That’s not necessarily theirs. But I have personal goals always for my clients where I’m trying to aim high and I’m like, come on, like. 4.63 was their highest so far, and I want this to go to a six. I would just be so ecstatic.
And that’s just with enhancing. one other tactic that we’re going to, I shouldn’t say tactic. a, it’s what’s going to happen, so we’re gonna utilize this in our marketing is, they really want to increase the price point of their main offer, which fantastic for them. They, want to double it, which great the.
Is worth that. But before they do, we figured, you know what, let’s go ahead and give everybody, since you’ve been building your list, let’s give everybody one last opportunity to, get in at this price and let them know this is the last time it will be offered at this. So that’s also gonna be in our benefit when we relaunch.
so people are, you know, a little bit of FOMO going on, but real and authentic. Fomo. They truly are going to increase this price point, and they should. They, have all right and means to. but again, without changing so much this round, because again, if you just double then we can’t really control at this point, like what is your conversion rate going to be?
I don’t know. You just doubled the price point. So our goal for this next launch is to control, keep as much of the controls as, they were like, don’t shift too much. Just refine so that we. Do the same ROAS or hire this next launch. And And then if we want to the next launch like we are, is increased pricing on certain things, et cetera, then we know we’re in new territory and there’s gonna be some refining, some testing, oh, this didn’t work as well
It’s a whole new thing. But if you have something that’s working guys and you’re like, “Well, now I wanna shift it cause I feel like this is gonna do better.” Scale what you have, scale what you have, and see how you can scale it and refine to see if you can do this again at a higher spend, which means more profit and you can refine things and make numbers better so that your overall return on ad spend is higher
That’s what you should do. Don’t get stuck or trapped in this, like “I have to change things. Somebody told me this is working for them.” What works for somebody else, I promise you, is not always gonna work for you no matter what. Even in the same industry and niche or similar offer. I’ve worked with people with very similar offers and the same technique just does not work with them.
So again, if you have something that’s working great, if you don’t and you’re considering this masterclass, which has been working for a while, guys, so. Paid masterclass live event, right? That’s what it is. again, just keep in mind, it’s, gonna be some money up front because if you’re spending $121 or $90 or $150, whatever it might be, to get somebody to purchase.
That’s $121 for one person versus a free webinar, which could be five to $30, maybe five to 20 on average. so if you are very confident about your offer, I think this is the route to go unless you wanna do it, just unless you’re like, I have a really, really big, warm audience, so I don’t have to spend any ad spend on it.
And I want to test this out with my warm audience, and I feel like they’re very engaged and I could get some people buying and this could work. Go for it. That’s amazing. Right? I just wouldn’t test it out in ads yet until you are really sure about your offer. It is converting and you have the budget and means to do this because like anything, if it’s your first time running this masterclass, you don’t know how well it’s gonna convert.
And And that’s why I would say start off at a smaller spend. Don’t start off at almost 30 K, right? Start off at a smaller spend. Test it out, see how it works. If it’s working. increase your spend, make those refinements. That’s it. And then hopefully everything will continue to increase as you continue to launch it.
you guys, I, hopefully that was helpful. Hopefully you got some golden nuggets and some insights for your own launch for your own. this is just to show you as well, like 2023, like Facebook ads, Instagram ads are killing it. Our clients are killing it. we love live launches.
They’re always great, but I know I’m this huge advocate of having evergreen and live at the same time. And so if you’re able to, have a live launch a couple of times a year or a few times, But also have evergreen running in the background that my friend is the sweet spot. That is what you should try to aim for, but don’t work on both at the same time unless you have the team capacity and finances to do that because it does take a lot of energy and resources.
So pick one or the other, get that one to work and then you can add in, the other one. So, good luck. Hopefully this is helpful and I will see you in the next episode. Bye.