Show Notes:
2023 is the year of action-ready funnels. As attention spans shorten, communication must prioritize getting straight to the point.
NO sugar coating. NO fluff.
It’s likely your audience understands what they need, so give ‘em a short, quick answer early or they’ll bounce and find someone who will.
So… what about giant slide decks, long-winded webinars, or massively long-form copy to cold audiences? Is it worth the effort in hopes someone, somewhere will purchase something?
Or does a long-term strategy that starts with hitting your goals in a profitable way without sacrificing authentic connections with your audience sound more appealing?
Listen up to know more about the Top Funnels for 2023 and take the time to do it right the first time. That way you can generate leads and sales daily and reach your goals in no time.
Key Takeaways:
- High Ticket Offers
- Video Sales Letter (VSL) [01:52]
- Self-Liquidating Offer (SLO) [03:42]
- Booked phone calls add-on [05:31]
- Low to Mid-Tier Offers
- Live streams [06:49]
- 30-minute mini webinar [09:02]
- Any Type of Offers
- Live launches [10:53]
Additional Resources:
- Scale your offers with Facebook™/Instagram™ paid ads: https://live.jessicawalman.com/realresults
Connect with Jessica
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Top Funnels of 2023
Note: We use AI transcription so there may be some inaccuracies.
Jessica Walman: Welcome, welcome back to, marketing On Tap Podcast. So excited that you guys are back. And today we are talking about the top funnels for 2023. I feel like anytime I ask someone, Hey, what do you wanna learn about? what topics do you want me to talk about in my podcast? they always say the top strategies or funnels.
That is it. That is what everybody says, and I wanna know all the, small little details. It’s what they want to know. I already did an episode on the top strategies. Now we’re gonna talk about the top funnels for 2023, What we’re seeing more present over the last few months or so and really moving into 2023 as everyone’s attention spans are so much shorter.
Everyone wants to get to the point, So what we call these are action-ready funnels. Action-ready funnels are really what we’re seeing for 2023. Straight to the point Funnels directed at those extremely educated and ready-to-buy prospects that are just waiting for your offer to fall in their laps.
Now, that could include a person who has never heard of you or someone that you’ve nurtured and built a relationship with through your audience, building and nurture. strategy. with the, action-ready funnels, this doesn’t mean that you, don’t put any marketing or efforts towards, those who aren’t fully educated yet those who need a little bit more education.
No, but the funnel that you’re going to start with, and your initial starting point should be this action-ready funnel. And then you can build out other funnels and we’ll kind of go into that, in this episode. So I’m gonna go into whether it’s for high ticket, mid-low tickets, you can kind of get an idea of what type of funnel based on your offer price point.
Okay. for high ticket and we’re talking. really anything that requires a phone call, okay. Usually over the $2,000 mark up to 20,000 plus. All right, so for a high ticket, offer, there are a couple different types of funnels that are working the best. So we’ve got a vsl, but this VSL is a little different than if you don’t know what VSL is, it’s a video sales letter.
It’s a shorter video. that is a little more to the point about what you can do, how you can help them, what your offer. It’s automated and. . We used to see these closer to 20 minutes, and they can be, but honestly, we’re seeing them shorter and shorter now, five to seven minutes. I have my own, vsl. I’ve got a couple of them around seven minutes or so long, and I have a student that has one around the three minute mark, and he’s booking calls through this three minute VSL his messaging and targeting were so on point to his ideal client and.
This is a action ready funnel. He’s going after those who are educated and ready to take the next step, the nice thing about VSLs versus let’s say a webinar, whether it’s an automated or live webinar, is that the content is much shorter, right? And you’re talking five, seven minutes, give or take, and there’s no slide deck.
So you can change this and shift this pretty quickly. If you test this and you get a hundred people, 150 people to the VSL page and you’re not, it’s not working, go create another one. I created three VSLs just yesterday and one this morning. you can record them really quick. You can make changes to the script and boom, done.
Very different from a webinar where you could change the entire, secret one or all the secrets, and they have changes, line, deck, and record, or do live a whole, hour long training. . VSLs are a lot faster, quicker, which in my book I absolutely love, and it’s going right after those who are ready to buy, which is why they don’t have the time, Nor do they wanna spend the time watching a really long video. This is shorter to the point for those ready to take action. Okay, so VSLs are the first one for a high ticket offer. Second for a high ticket offer. What we’re seeing are slow funnels. So the, but it’s a slow funnel self-liquidating offer. The goal of a self-liquidating offer is to sell a small digital product that will pay for itself the, it will liquidate the ad spend.
And so selling that, but this slow funnel specifically goes to a buck call. So the underlying purpose of this is the goal was not to generate free leads. A slow funnel, you’re gonna generate buyers, right? So if you do a lead magnet, you are generating free leads, aka what we like to call freebie seekers.
Whereas now with a slow funnel, you are now generating a more qualified lead because they have invested, right? This is usually a small offer like a digital product or even a paid live masterclass or challenge Now, you could go the route of just using that tool. Let’s say you’re selling a done for you digital.
And then that’s it. You’re selling the product. Perfect. And we’ve seen where once someone buys that little slow product done for you pro, let’s say I’m selling, copied in ad templates, which I do great. Let’s say they buy that you could go the route of where inside the membership, once they go into access the content, you could then have a little section in there promoting the next tier of your offer.
Right? the problem with this, right? Like I could have a little section saying, Hey, here’s where you get your content, but hey, if you would like more support or whatever it is, watch this little video and book a call with me or buy this. Sure. But now you’re banking and hoping that they logged into the course, consume the product, then click to your next offer.
Or maybe open emails that you sent then went from there. But if they didn’t, then what? . Well, nothing, Plus the cost requisition in Facebook ads for these can be quite high if the value doesn’t seem high enough. So how do we combat these two things? How do we combat not getting people to see your offer, right?
They didn’t see, cuz maybe they didn’t log in to this membership and getting the CPA ever paid offer lower, right? Your cost to acquire a customer in ads. How do we get that lower? So a couple of ways is really add in a free. This is where you get people on the phone. Again, this is for high ticket, which is why this works.
Add on a free call. You can name this whatever you want so it makes sense to your offer. free one-on-one call to reviewer ads, or free over the shoulder implementation call, whatever. Whatever you wanna call. And then what does this do? It now gets these buyers onto the phone. where you can sell to them.
Hello, right? Gets them on the phone, or you can sell to them or build that relationship a little further so that they will buy and you can have a follow up call. Whatever that process looks like. This is also a huge value add to the offer. Having this call that will help decrease your cost per acquisition, and it gets buyers on the phone so you can sell them. I mean, this solves both aspects. For high ticket. Again, this is something that we are actually gonna be testing, ourselves. We have, a couple of students and clients that do this. We testing this ourselves, self offer to booked call.
Like it’s included in the offer just a value add. should decrease your cpa. And of course get them on the phone call. now, you’re not getting just freebie people on the phone. You’re getting people who invested in you spent money.
Right. So they’re way more likely to then take the next step or at least understand the importance of investing and be a more qualified prospect than someone who just opted in to a free lead magnet. Now, for low to high ticket offers, they’re low to midstream, mid tier offers. there’s a couple of different ones.
what we’ve seen working are live streams. So, if you are building an audience, you have built an. Is doing a live stream. We’ve seen this work very well to warm, and I said this in a previous episode, people are wanting more connection and realness so that you can go live.
Jessica Walman: People love live People love being able to connect with the person that they’re following. Now, these can be as long as you want them to be. , Just keep in mind your audience and if they will watch something for an hour or if they’re more, likely to watch a 10 minute thing, So keep in mind your audience and after a few tries, if you don’t really know how long your audience will stay on, you’ll know the average length of what your live stream should be, because you’ll know long people are staying on.
But ultimately, Keeping it under 30 minutes will allow majority of people to actually hear your call to action at the end without dropping off first. like for my audience, it would probably need to be even shorter than 30 minutes, but for others it could be up to 30 minutes. So how does the livestream work while you announce you’re going live in advance, social media email list, again, this is to your warm, then you go.
And then after life is over, you will run ads to it for a few days after the live stream to promote your offer. You run this to your warm audience, get more eyes on it at a pretty inexpensive cost. That way more people are seeing this offer. So your live stream is always attached to an offer. Okay. It’s run like a mini webinar, but more impromptu, no slide deck, on this live stream.
Just like a chill hangout on this, that’s what it is. But of course, still strategically done for conversions where you follow a hook or follow a flow, like, you could actually follow the six step video outline that I did in my previous episode. You can follow that flow, but in a more long, drawn.
video, and provide that CTA to your offer at the end. You could also have your cta if you’re doing your videos 10, 15, 20 minutes long, you can talk about your CTA throughout it in the middle of it, right? You don’t want people to only wait till the end, talk about it throughout, because that’s what the live stream for, right?
Jessica Walman: It’s about value, but it’s also about moving people to that next step. So live streams. really moves into that connection piece that I’ve spoken about before for 2023, and connecting with that audience. If they came to you through an automated VSL or through your automated, you audience building nurture or whatever it might be, getting that live aspect where they see you really live and they see the messy hair and the, mess up and mishaps and cause they ask you questions, that’s really gonna build that credibility and no, like, trust with you.
The other one for kind of that low to mid ticket or mini webinars. Automated 30 minutes. I don’t know if you guys remember, or if you guys ever did this, but I remember when like two hour webinars used to be a thing. I had clients that did two and a half hour webinars that would convert like gangbusters.
Right? And the boggles of my mind, cuz of me personally, I would never be on a webinar that long. But that’s just me. I’ve got two kids and I’m running a business. But it did like, that’s what people did. I mean, I’ve been on hour, hour and a half webinars. I. But I won’t do that now. like our attention span is way too short, right?
Nowadays we’re short on time, But your audience may need a bit more education than a five to seven minute vsl, and that is where the 30 minute mini webinar comes in. So this is a great, strategy to use, right? You can be top of funnel, just like, again, if your VSL is not right for your.
It may not be. So you can always start with the mini webinar first. That can go to a cold audience, bring people in. I actually like to mix it, so I would like to do vsl. one of my students right now, she’s doing a vsl. She’s gonna be doing a VSL to cold audience, get people in. , those who don’t take the next step, she’s going to retarget with nurture content.
So short clips, two to four minutes of content over a two to three week period, then send them to a mini webinar. I think her mini webinar is 20 to 30 minutes long. She’ll send them to that. So hopefully by that time, more people will be ready to take the next step. They weren’t initially with the vsl.
They needed more education. She nurtured them, and then she’s gonna move them into the mini webinar. And it’s all automated. which is fantastic. Now you’ve got like this month. Automated ad strategy, bringing people in, nurturing them, and moving them along the way, which is fantastic, if That’s like my jam, right, is how can I automate as much as I can? But then that allows me to have the availability to be live with my audience to connect with my audience because I’ve got so much automated already. So having the mix of the automated. , that’s like the dream right there.
And that’s what we’re setting up for our students and clients, and that’s what’s gonna be working in 2023 Now for any type of offer, whether it’s high ticket, low ticket, mid ticket. Live launches. I mean, look, like I just said, I’m a huge fan of Evergreen, right? But the live component can’t be ignored, and your audience craves that connection with you.
So this is different than a live stream. A live stream, like I said, is a little more off the cuff. It’s, we’re gonna announce it a few days beforehand, run ads or a few days after. And it’s just like this really, chill hangout, but it’s definitely strategically done.
A live launch is a launch, Let’s say you’re building your audience throughout q1, and you, have them through a vsl. They opt in, they didn’t convert, and then you put them to some nurture content and then maybe a mini webinar and they still don’t convert because as we know, people could take months to convert.
Maybe quarterly you’re doing a live launch, you’re doing this live launch, it’s enough to grab your warm audience that’s been on the fence get them live with you and potentially into one of your programs. So think about it. Let’s. They come into your world through that video or mini webinar that I said, whatever it might be, and they don’t convert immediately.
The goal is to nurture, nurture them along the way, With that content and the nurture content. Just so you know, all my nurture content that I have, like myself and my students and my clients, they all have call to actions. We don’t like to put content out there without a call to action. Our goal is to convert people.
Our goal is to give them the opportunity to take that next step. if we’re not giving ’em that opportunity, we’re doing a disservice to them so they have the opportunity to take the next step. With the vsl they have, or, the mini webinar, they have the, opportunity to take the next step. With all my nurture content, they have the opportunity to take the step with a live launch or constantly giving them that opportunity, Sometimes they just need a push. , And that live workshop, or a bootcamp or a masterclass, whatever you wanna call it, is sometimes the push that they need where they can join you live, ask you questions here you pitch live, Not evergreen. That might just be what they need to move forward with you.
So that’s it guys. Those are really what are gonna be working in 2023. What we’re already seeing work towards the very end of 2022 and right now in 2023. So those action ready funnel. straight to the point funnels going toward those who are ready to actually take action. They’re very educated and problem aware and ready to take action and for your high ticket.
Are you looking at really short VSLs, but also slow funnels with calls included in the offer to get these prospects on the phone then for your load to high ticket or low to mid ticket offers live streams. Live streams, and having that live connection really impromptu, but definitely strategically done.
and then your mini webinars, 30 minutes, give or take, versus like the old way of two hours. And then for any type of offer, really just live launching, getting that live component with your audience and saying, Hey, I’m here to connect with you. live. Launching in general always converts at a higher percentage than Evergreen.
It’s just a lot of effort to put into one thing. So that’s why I don’t like doing like constant live launches. It’s,yes, I can have Evergreen going and make a really good return on ad spend, and then I can have this live launch that has a really high conversion rate quarterly to have this other boost of income.
that’s how I look at it and that’s how our clients do it. So you guys, those are the top funnels for 2023 that I would highly look at if I. think about where your avatars are. Think about what kind of action ready funnel you can have, whether it’s it’s that BSL or that slow, whatever it might be.
This is the time, this is the time to take a minute, put in the work for these funnels. And these aren’t crazy funnels. I did not tell you to create a one, one and a half hour webinar with slide deck. Did I? I did not tell you to create a five day challenge with five days worth of content. I am all about the quickest path, right?
resistance, what can we do to get to our end goal and to hit those sales faster, but still? in a profitable way, and in a meaningful way with our clients and a long-term strategy. And this is it, this is the way to do it. So pick the ones you need to work on. take the time to do it now.
Take the time to do it right so that in the next few weeks when you have it done, cuz you can get these done really quick, really, really quick. Okay. You can start generating leads and sales daily. Okay? DM me as always with any questions and I will see you on the next episode. Bye.